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Claims Adjuster - Property

Applications for this role are now closed. View similar roles here.
The details


Arthur is excited to be partnered with a highly successful and growing Lloyds Broker who are looking to expand and develop their London team by bringing on board a Property Claims Adjuster. 
Within this position, you will oversee and direct all aspects of file handling on both in-house and third party administered property claims. Furthermore, you will have growth opportunity which'll entail in depth technical handling and multi-faceted professional development. In addition, you will be in charge of directing the litigation and adjusting process whilst strategically partnering with the likes of counsel, experts and vendors, and be driving towards optimal claim resolutions. Lastly, you will also be expected to analyse and determine the coverage, manage the investigation and evaluation of the claim and communicate promptly with external and internal stakeholders.

Your Responsibilities:

  • You will carry out thorough investigation and assessment of property claims
  • Proactively and efficiently managing property claims whilst covering all aspects and aiming for optimal claim outcome
  • Demonstrate strong technical claims proficiency through consistent execution of best claims practices.
  • Oversee and direct the adjusting, litigation, claim investigation and liability amount.

What You Need:

  • Extensive experience with Property claims is a must – Casualty and auto/cargo line of business is a plus
  • North American property binders would be beneficial
  • Ability to work in a team but also independently
  • Understanding of technical claims proficiency and execution of best claim practices.
  • Strong business acumen and ability to collaborate with other departments and vendors.

If you are interested in this position and keen to find out more, please get in contact with me directly or email your CV to

Applications Closed