Interim Compliance Manager (Appointed Representatives) Are you a compliance professional seeking your next interim role? Do you have experience working with Appointed Representatives in Retail…
Love them or loath them compliance teams are the unsung heroes of the financial services industry. I wanted to make people aware of why they are needed and what their role entails. Compliance officers are responsible for internal/external procedures and frameworks that keep their related companies compliant...
Prepare your response to these Interview questions... Tell me about yourself - Talk briefly about your achievements to date; Why do you want to work for us? - Research on the Company and you’ll be able to talk compellingly about the business and how you can impact on it; Give an example of where you’ve been...
Working from home in light of COVID-19 has been interesting to say the least. From using Microsoft teams for light banter with your colleagues (and work), the Houseparty app and smashing Disney + (which is way better than Netflix), everyone is dealing with isolation in their own way. That being said, it is pleasing to...